Why collect tickets?

May be this is the question more prevailing between my friends and contacts...
The reality is that my interest is moved since my birth, I was born with this... well, We are going to be serious...
If we analyze everything, things common, late or early, with the pass of the time are become things interesting, wherefore today we have all kind of museums.
My intention isn't become me in a millionaire or famous. My intention is conserving a little of our common life.
I don't know what will happen with my small collection. May be, one day someone will put an exposition or will build a museum, and there are going to be the tickets, and he didn't lack one note that it will say:

Thanks to collaborated to: (name… from)


Paris, Lisboa and Rome

The first is a ticket of the metro of Paris

Those are cards uses in transport system in Lisboa and Rome.
Lisboa Card is rechargable; Roma Card no.
Thanks to Dr. Jorge.


Swap with Diego F. from Argentina

These are the tickets that sent me Diego, he sent me some coins, bills an stamps, you can see in the others blogs.

Tickets from Argentina

Tickets from Chile

Swap with Néstor Mara from Argentina

These are the tickets that Néstor sent from Argentina as swap.

Tickets of Train




Tickets of autotransports

Swap with Vytautas from Lithuania

These tickets are of a swap with a ticket collector from Lithuania. Here are the images.
Thanks Vytautas, The tickets are wonderful.
I invite to you to visit his web site http://www.talonai.com/index.php

Tickets from Lithuania

Tickets from Estonia
Tickets from Czech Republic



Boletos de Russia



United Autobuses

who live in Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco states and DF, in Mexico met this company, i'm sure that our parents had used this autobuses. 

If you want to know more about this company check here (in Spanish)